Chrislar Farm’s horse training program brings highly qualified and proven professionals together with horses at varying stages of training requirements. Our trainers provide each horse and rider combination with the information, education, training and experience needed to reach their fullest potential - for pleasure or competition.
Whether your need is starting a young horse that requires initial harness or saddle training; or specialized training for an advanced level show horse; resolving horse problems that must be overcome, or specific training to enable you to become fully compatible with your horse, you can be assured that our trainers will customize a program to achieve the correct training and results specific for you and your horse. We get results!!!
All horses in our Training Program receive "customized" professional training tailored to their particular needs as well as routine care, daily exercise schedule, turnout, clipping and grooming. footage and photos are taken periodically to allow owners who do not live nearby to chart the progress being made with their horses training.
For horse owners who prefer their horses compete at shows, but do not ride/drive themselves, Chrislar Farm will provide the best horse/rider combination to promote that horse at its very best. The Chrislar TEAM can provide qualified riders to compete with your horse, under our direction, in many Divisions and age groups (ie: Amateur, Youth, Jr. Exhibitor and Equitation).
Many of our horse show clients enjoy participating in the care and preparation of their horses and horses for other Chrislar riders at the shows… “Team Chrislar”. This not only keeps horse show costs for you down, but also provides a learning experience with rewarding results.
Annually, we provide a Horse Show Services Price List to Chrislar Clients for each horse show that covers: