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Horse Farm and Equestrian Center

Staff Credentials

Ad that was in the Morgan Horse submitted by Chrislar's students as a surprise to Chris & Larry

Chris Cassenti

Chris Cassenti and morgan horse Lady

Chris Cassenti is manager and lead trainer at Chrislar Farm, Rowley, MA. In 1978 Chris and her husband Larry founded Chrislar Farm, which stands today as a modern, 40-stall, state-of-the-art training, stabling, instruction, breeding, and sales business. Chrislar and their "tag line" Stable of Stars hold a Federal Trademark.

This award-winning establishment has been featured on TV Channel 5, Cable TV "The Equestrian", written-up in many equine publications and newspapers, and is featured in the Breakthrough Publications video "Horseman’s American Barn Tour" for its efficiency and unique design.

Although Chris is best known for her show-string of Morgan horses, and Equitation Riders, she and her professional staff of trainers/instructors cater to all breeds and riding disciplines. She and her staff at Chrislar have produced hundreds of well trained horses, thousands of satisfied horse people and numerous horse-rider/driver combinations that have won World, National, Regional, State and Local Level Championships.

Many horses and exhibitors from Chrislar in recognition of their accomplishments have been honored with prestigious awards including: "AHSA Horse of the Year", "Peoples Choice", "Judges Choice" and "Beam’s Nighthawk’s" induction into the Morgan Horse Hall of Fame. Chrislar is extremely proud of the professional trainers, instructors, breeders and exhibitors that began their careers at Chrislar Farm!

Chris is a knowledgeable, well-respected horse show judge holding judges cards with New England Horse Council / NEHC ("J" English & Western Division), and United States Equestrian Federation / USEF, ("R" Morgans & Saddleseat Equitation). Chris served as UPHA-14 Horse Show Chairperson for the annual "Spring Premiere Horse Show" held at Eastern States Exposition in W. Springfield, MA, featuring Morgans, Saddlebreds, Hackney Ponies and Friesians. She is an Advanced Level Massachusetts Licensed Riding Instructor, a member of the American Morgan Horse Association, United States Equestrian Federation, New England Morgan Horse Association, United Professional Horsemen’s Association, Chapter 14, New England Horse Council, American Saddlebred Horse Association, and the American Quarter Horse Association. She sits on the Equine Advisory Committee of the Massachusetts Farm Bureau Federation, served on the AMHA Magazine Steering Committee, and served three years as President of the prestigious New England Morgan Horse Association after serving on their Board of Directors for many years.

Chris was a featured clinician at Equine Affair in Massachusetts in 2008, where her sessions on Saddleseat/English Pleasure and Saddleseat Equitation drew a crowd, and also featured at Equine Affair in Ohio in 2009.

As a guest writer for the Horsemen’s Yankee Pedlar, Chris’ articles and responses are enjoyed by the readers. She is a well-known guest speaker, panelist and clinician on many horse-related/business topics at various industry venues, such as the annual AMHA Convention and Northeast Trade Show and Conference.

Chris enjoys a good working relationship with trainers, instructors, breeders and owners across the country and is always eager to share knowledge about business, marketing, sales and trends in the equine industry. Chris also has a genuine interest in educating the general public and potential horse enthusiasts and continuing that educational process to horse owners, who seek the understanding needed to achieve goals and realize the rewards available in the horse industry today.

Chris and Larry have created and operate Chrislar with integrity, safety, a caring and enthusiastic-supportive environment, delivered value, and an all-encompassing horse knowledge as its guiding principles. Visit them at a Horse Show near you, speak with one of their many clients or stop in for a visit and check them out yourself; you’ll be glad you did!!


Chris has received many prestigious awards during her career.

In 2006 Chris was voted by her peers as 2006 American Morgan Horse Association (AMHA) WOMAN OF THE YEAR. The AMHA Man & Woman of the Year awards were introduced in 1964. Since then, some of the best-known people in the Morgan breed have been recognized. The award recognizes those men and women who, in the past five years, have made particularly exceptional contributions to the support and preservation of the Morgan breed and the AMHA.

In 2007 Chris was honored by being inducted into the New England Morgan Horse Association’s (NEMHA) HALL OF FAME. In 2010, Chris was the recipient of the Tampa Charities Professional Sportsmanship Award in Tampa, FL.

In 2017 Chris was honored by being inducted into UPHA-Chapter 14 Hall of Fame.

In 2023 Chris was honored by being inducted into New England Morgan Horse Association Hall of Fame.

Chris & Larry received the "Persons of the Year Award" by the NEMHA for their efforts in promoting Morgan horses to the general public. Famous horses from Chrislar include: HVK Hot Ember, Primera Danger-Field, KGA Picasso, Hasty's Honor, JBK Buck Dakota and UVM Opportunity. Historical horses from years past include World Champions’ Ladys Enticement, UVM Valcour, Beams Nighthawk, Manhatten Design, Successive Endeavors NKS, and Treble's Johnny B Goode.

Lawrence W. Cassenti

Larry Cassenti Chrislar Farm


Senior business development and management leader for small to large ($100 million) complex, high-profile, international and national government contracts for physical-security, fire-control, communications and position-fixing systems, with P&L responsibility.

Directed marketing, captured and managed over 30 cost-type and fixed-price contracts in over 20 countries totaling nearly $1Billion in defense and homeland-security systems markets. Founded and lead joint ventures, companies, and business units, in USA and Middle East. Skilled at developing business and organizations; preparing and negotiating contracts and agreements with USA and foreign government and commercial customers, suppliers and partners; and at developing and managing resources/processes to get results.

Established, organized and managed human resources, vendors, information, facilities, and processes, for staffing, marketing, sales, contracting, purchasing, finance & accounting, and security for electronic product and system, design, production, quality assurance, delivery, installation, and field service.

Chronological Commercial Experience

November 2016 (Magos start) and July 2017 (4tfy start) to Present (January 2020)
Vice President of Business Development, 4tfy, Inc and Magos America Inc: to introduce into the USA Homeland Security Market, two new sensor systems -- Magos SR-500 motion detection radar, and 4tfy V-Alert surface disturbance detection system --, both developed in Israel. Succeeded in having radar placed on US Air Force Intrusion Detection System [Approved] Equipment List (IDSEL) and V-Alert installed and tested on the US/Mexico border in a competitive evaluation. Introduced both products to over 20 large system integrators and government agencies, and have developed interest to proceed in several.

July 2012 to April 2016 (half-time)
Vice President, Elbit Systems of America (ESA): Larry performed as advisor to the VP for the International Defense and Homeland Security ESA business units at Kollsman, Inc. (business units he ran/formed before forming BSEC - see below for BSEC and page 2 of resume for Kollsman).

February 2010 to April 2012 (half-time)
CEO and Member of Board of Directors, DefenSoft, Ltd of Israel: DefenSoft, Ltd developed and provides a software product and services for analyzing, planning and designing optimum security solutions comprised of forces, sensors and infrastructure for large areas (Borders, Airports/Seaports, Military Bases, …). The software uses location optimization, line-of-sight, time & space, and RF propatagion algorithms, and big-data processing techniques, and renders solutions in 3D on integrated GIS and shape-file data base.

Jan 2008 - Feb 2010 (full-time); Feb 2010 to April 2018 half-time)
President & CEO, BSEC Planning Corp, (BSEC is the USA subsidiary of DefenSoft, Ltd.): BSEC markets and provides products and services in the USA based on Defensoft technology. Larry registered BSEC in Massachusetts. Established and manages policies and processes for marketing & sales, contracting, human resources, purchasing, finance & accounting, security clearances, regulatory compliances, legal, product design, production and quality assurance. Hired staff, and developed customer and vendor relations. BSEC’s software product won the 2011 Global Security Challenge, North America East Coast Finals, sponsored by DoD/Technical Support Working Group.

Dec 2004 – Dec 2007 (3 Years full-time)
Vice President, Kollsman, Inc., (ESA Subsidiary in Merrimack, NH). Led newly formed International Defense Division for design and manufacture of TOW sights and Fire Control Systems (FCS) for armored land vehicles for various countries. During this period at Kollsman, also formed and led Innovative [Homeland] Security Solutions Division. Won 1st tier team member position on DHS SBInet contract to Boeing for Arizona border security; this win launched ESA/Kollsman into the Homeland Security market.

Sep 1974 – Dec 2004 (30 years full-time)
Vice President, Lockheed Martin through acquisition of ACS Defense (previously ASEC). Led marketing, bidding, contracting and delivery for design, integration, implementation, and support of large scale communications, navigation, and physical security systems for Defense and Homeland Security in USA and Middle-East markets. Noteworthy contracts included:

  • Design, installation and support of access control and physical security system for World Trade Center Towers, Airports, Seaports, Bridges, and other facilities in New York City and New Jersey for The Port Authority of New York & New Jersey.
  • Design, installation and support of access control systems for US Department of State.
  • Analysis and engineering services to Department of Energy and to Defense Threat Reduction Agency for nuclear non-proliferation.
  • SESI services to US Air Force for Force Protection, and Security System design and implementation to US Army Corps of Engineers.
  • Design, installation and support of physical security systems for over 30 airports and seaports in UAE, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia, Kuwait-Iraq border, and over 60 water resource facilities, bridges, and campuses in USA.
  • Design, installation and support of military fiber optic and satellite communications networks, Saudi Arabia.
  • Design and installation of the Facility Support System for Oil Refineries in Saudi Arabia and operating systems for Natural Gas Facilities in Egypt.
  • Implementation and support of global Omega Navigation Transmitting Network and other communications and navigation projects for US DOT.

Formed two joint ventures and one company to execute international projects. Held Department of Homeland Security, Department of Defense and Department of Energy security clearances.

Military Experience Sep 1970 – Aug 1974

Officer in US Coast Guard. Performed engineering duties at Omega Navigation System Operations Detail (ONSOD) in Kailua Hawaii. Performed Officer of the Deck duties underway, and operations and maintenance manager duties docked aboard US Coast Guard medium endurance cutter Tamaroa.

Education and Interests

BSE, State University of NY at Stony Brook, NY

Executive training seminars in leadership, organization, business development, and team building at ACS Defense, Lockheed Martin and Elbit Systems of America

Co-Founder (1978) and Co-Owner in Chrislar Farm & Equestrian Center (

Carly Cibelli

In addition to enjoying her work with horses and those who love horses, Carly enjoys her adorable little dog, “Juniper” and her affectionate cat “Benjamin”. She likes to run and hike in nature and is a very artistic painter (also enjoys arts/crafts projects). Carly comes to us with over 15 years of experience, a Bachelor of Science Degree in Equine Studies at UMASS Amherst and Associates Degree in Equine Industries from Stockbridge School of Agriculture. She holds a MA Instructor License and enjoys enthusiastic students!!! Carly loves working with a Good Horse regardless of breed!

Riding instructor Carly Cibelli at Seacoast Horse Show Carly Cibelli riding Freisan Bouke on Crane Beach

Sarah Keyes

Sarah is a long time, Loyal Chrislar Fan! In addition to daily care of our horses, Sarah assists with training and is a fabulous Riding Instructor. She grew up at Chrislar …. Literally!!! As a toddler, her Dad brought her to the Farm daily to spend time with the horses and donkeys. When she was 8 yrs old she started lessons and the rest is “History”!!! Sarah competed on the show circuit under the Chrislar Banner, and assisted part time with training, lessons and care throughout the years. She is the epitome of what the “Chrislar Experience” is all about!!!

Sarah is a graduate of Essex Agricultural School with a concentration in Agribusiness and Although Sarah had part time jobs at other horse facilities over the years as a horse show groom, caretaker, and exercise rider, she was also employed as a professional Dog Groomer. To say she loves animals is quite an understatement as she has two dogs and three cats of her own, in addition to some birds, and other “critters.”

Be sure to schedule some lessons with Sarah!!!

riding instructor Sarah Keyes riding instructor Sarah Keyes with her dog

Jacqueline (Jackie) Medico

Jackie grew up riding and caring for all animals, but holds a passion for horses! As a graduate of Meredith Manor International Equestrian Center in Va she operated her own lesson program teaching 15-20 students on her own horse.

At Chrislar, Jackie is responsible for the daily care of all our horses including assisting the vet, farrier, dentist and handling equine medical treatments. Jackie holds a MA Instructor’s license, is a gifted and accomplished horsewoman and Assistant Trainer at Chrislar. She enjoys teaching students of all ages, watching them progress and becoming more involved in competition and the other activities provided by the Farm.

Away from the Farm, Jackie enjoys fishing, boating, the beach (not surprising since she grew up in a sea-faring town) and occasionally four-wheeling. Jackie is interested in continuing education and most recently started classes in small animal medicine.

assistant trainer/instructor Jackie Medico Chrislar riding instructor Jackie Medico with her horse Quint

Deb Nichol

Deb began her love of horses at a very young age at her great grandfather’s farm where her passion for horses . Through her childhood and her life she was able to ride and work at several horse farms, enjoyed friends with the same interest and eventually owned her own horse with the support of her Family. Deb moved to Massachusetts and in 2006 found her way to Chrislar Farm where she immediately became part of the “Family”!! Actively involved in the lesson program and horse shows over the years, Deb became interested in sharing her knowledge with up and coming young riders. Deb volunteers at Ironstone Farm in their therapeutic riding program, She is a MA Licensed Instructor at Chrislar and totally enjoys teaching and enjoying her BFF “Landry”!!!

riding instructor:Deb Nichol Deb Nichol - dressed up

Lynne Pomerleau

In 1979 Lynne first came to Chrislar for riding lessons. She grew up at the Farm with hands-on training in many areas of horse care, training, showing, medical treatment, teaching lessons and office procedures and administration.

Today she is the Staff Manager, responsible for the day-to-day operations of our large facility including overall care of 40 horses, training horses, accounting, operation and maintenance of the facility and vehicles.

As a natural and passionate "animal person," Lynne is amazing to watch working with horses in her own calm and effective manner; she is able to form a mutual trust and bond with even the most difficult horse and situation. She is an accomplished horsewoman starting horses in harness and under saddle in many disciplines, with a successful show ring career as well. She holds a MA Instructor’s License, is a member of USEF, AMHA and UPHA-14.

Thirteen years ago Lynne developed a passion for Llamas and became a founding partner in establishing Harmony Hill Llama’s in Groveland, MA, breeding, showing and developing an expertise with these unique creatures. In addition to llamas she bred, raised and sold Pygmy Goats. She is active in the Greater Appalachian Llama & Alpaca Association serving two years as President.

Lynne enjoys building and repairs and has volunteered working with Habitat for Humanity and Rebuilding Together, associations helping to build homes and assist with home repairs. Away from the Farm, Lynne enjoys snow shoeing and hiking with "Rosie" her rescued Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. She enjoys sports, woodworking, landscaping, gardening, fixing anything (and she’s good at it too!) riding her motorcycle and spending time with her niece and nephew. Lynne likes to learn something "New" each and every day!!!

trainer Lynn Pomerleau riding instructor Lynn Pomerleau leading two horses in from turnout

Ann Walker

Ann grew up riding and showing horses as a youngster and spent most of her life working with horses. A graduate of the Equine Studies Program from Post College, she entered the business world holding an administrative office position for many years. She left her corporate job to follow her passion...HORSES!!

Ann has been part of the Chrislar Family for eighteen years as an instructor, trainer and competitor. Ann is a MA Licensed Instructor, actively involved in preparing students for the Show Ring. She has experience in Saddle Seat, Hunt Seat and Western styles of riding and training.

In addition to her students and horses, Ann may also be found part time in the Farm’s Office at the computer performing administration and accounting duties. Away from the Farm Ann enjoys vacationing, her friends, skiing, her pets (2 cats, 2 dogs, 1 horse) and her Family (2 children, 1 husband, her parents and brothers).

assistant trainer/instructor:Ann Walker assistant trainer Ann Walker with student

Chrislar’s "extended familiy"

No riding, stabling and training stable is complete without the highly competent care of a reliable Farrier, Veterinarians and an Equine Dentist. These trusted profesionals have been part of the "Chrislar Staff" for many years!

Chrislar’s Farrier Butch Saunders

Farriers Sean Saunders, Joe Saunders & Butch Saunders

Helen Noble DVM of SRH Veterinary Services

SRH Veterinary Services
Helen Noble VMD

Gary Saccocia - Equine Dentist

In memorium - Gary Saccocia - Equine Dentist

Gary Saccocia Jr Equine Dentist

Gary Saccocia Jr. - Equine Dentist

Lael Cook provides therapeutic and preventive Massage Therapy to Chrislar horses

Chrislar horses enjoy having Lael Cook at the Farm providing therapeutic and preventive Massage Therapy!! What better than someone who had the privilege of working with our old friend Jack Meagher (who we truly miss after all these years).

Dog Groomers Machaele and Tasha with Walker and Wolfie

Professional Dog Groomer Bonnie Ross and daughter Michaele with Tasha, Charlotte, Walker and Wolfie!! Bonnie has been grooming our "pooches" since 1986!!!!

Chrislar Farm
944 Haverhill Street
Rowley Massachusetts 01969

Phone: (978) 948-7674
Fax: (978) 948-2798

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